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 The Black Dragon offers a variety of Black American food options served through the aesthetics of classic Chinese American takeout. The idea of The Black Dragon originated after Chef Kurt Evans noticed a trend of local Chinese takeout stores closing largely in Black American communities. The second-generation Chinese Americans are no longer taking over these stores that their parents started, with the closure of these stores will create a huge void in food deserts who have relied on these stores for hot quick meals.


 The Black Dragon will fill this void and capitalize on the opportunity to provide healthy culturally relevant ingredients without abandoning the Chinese takeout aesthetics while highlighting Black cuisine. While proudly prioritize hiring from within our community, providing meaningful employment opportunities and offering first chances to those who have overcome incarceration. Chef Kurt Evans also sees this as a way to reclaim our communities and build trust with our customers who would traditionally purchase food from behind a perforated wall of Plexiglas.

Oxtail Rangoon

Braised Oxtail w/ Charred sweet potato cream cheese. Oxtail Gravy Sauce.


Collard Green Egg Roll

Braised collard greens, onions, peppers, and mozzarella cheese. Mango sweet & sour sauce.

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